Carbon Coater Module Only, with Carbon Fiber Head as Standard SPI-Module
Carbon Coater Module Only, with Carbon Fiber Head as Standard SPI-Module 110v/60Hz
Carbon Coater Module Only, with Carbon Fiber Head as Standard SPI-Module 220v/50Hz
Carbon Coater Module Only, with Carbon Fiber Head as Standard SPI-Module™ 220v/50Hz
Set the Carbon Coater module unit on top of the control base, plug it in, load the carbon fiber in the head and you are ready to coat! If you already have a SPI MODULE Sputter Coater in place, simply stack the Carbon Coater Module on top.
This carbon fiber coating system prepares specimens by evaporating high purity carbon fiber with the mechanical pump vacuum only, creating a diffused, shadowless coating - with no need for expensive tilt or rotation stages or expensive vacuum evaporators. Comes standard with a head fitted to accommodate carbon fibers; optional carbon rod head available. Unit is the same size as the Sputter Coater Module and features: