MACO Orthochromatic Film ORT25 35 mm/36


35 mm 36 exposures

135 µm triacetate base

MACO™ ORT25 Version


The producer of the MACO™ orthochromatic films has developed a second generation film, MACO™ Rollei orthochromatic Flim ORTO25. The original version of MACO™ orthochromatic ORT25c is being phased out and supplanted by these new films. We have indicated below which films are currently available in our stock. Eventually all film will be of the Rollei ORTO25 version. 

Users of Kodak Professional Technical Pan Film in general, find that they can make a switch to MACO™ orthochromatic films and obtain comparable or better results relative to what they were experiencing previously. Just because of the decision by Kodak to discontinue these films, there should be no reason for panic! We can offer a substitute that will be as good or better than the film is is replacing. 

Since the Kodak product it replaces was a panchromatic film, and the MACO™ replacements are orthochromatic films, there will be some differences noticed, one being that since the silver content is about three times higher, it will deplete the fixer about three times faster. This higher silver content also results in a wider dynamic range, which results in some cases, users find the replacement film to be superior. So while obviously, the MACO™ orthochromatic films are a film that is not exactly a "plug-in replacement", users do report results that are either comparable to or better than what they were experiencing with the now discontinued Kodak films. 

Those using the now discontinued Agra ORT25c will find the MACO™ to indeed be a near plug-in replacement for the previously manufactured Agra product. 

Chemistry considerations:
You should continue to use the same chemistries you have been using, but note that the fixer will be depleted about three times faster.