SPI Supplies Lens Tissue 4 x 5 in. (10.2 x 12.7 cm) Box of 1000 Sheets

SPI Supplies Lens Tissue 4 x 5 in. (10.2 x 12.7 cm) Box of 1000 Sheets
SPI Supplies Lens Tissue 4 x 5 in. (10.2 x 12.7 cm) Box of 1000 Sheets
Quantity Price
1 to 9 $13.06
10 to 29 $11.75
30 and up $11.10
AvailabilityIn Stock

These are light, lintless tissue sheets for cleaning delicate optical surfaces. Also, use these fine, translucent lens tissues to clean electron microscope parts, glass lenses (coated and uncoated), other critical surfaces, tools and instruments.

Note: When cleaning the objectives of a light microscope, it is generally recommended that you contact the manfuacturer to make sure you are not using a liquid or solvent that could dissolve the adhesive used to hold the lens in place. Before cleaning any delicate lens, be sure to read our suggested procedures for cleaning lenses. In some instances, customers report that theSPI Supplies Brand of microfiber cleaning cloths have certain advantages over traditional lens cleaning tissues.