SPI-Chem Butvar B-98 Polyvinyl Butyral Resin, CAS #63148-65-2, 10g Bottle
CAS #63148-65-2
10 gm
Polyvinyl butyral, an excellent support film for TEM filmed grids and also, the making of fine replicas for TEM
Butvar B-98 resin has been a long time favorite and excellent support film for TEM grids. It is usually dissolved 2% in chloroform. This particular grade of Butvar (e.g. B-98) has also been used as a replicating material for TEM replicas. However, the high solvency of chloroform would tend to render it not the material of choice if being used on a polymeric surface which might be changed by the solvent. The same would probably be true for ethyl acetate.
Take advantage of some of the tips from the SPI grid coating experts! Or consider the purchase of grids already custom coated by SPI Supplies.