SPI-Chem Stains for Light Microscopy - Dry Powder
SPI-Chem Stains for Light Microscopy - Dry Powder
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SPI-Chem Stains for Light Microscopy - Dry Powder

All SPI-Chem stains for light microscopy are certified to be of the highest quality and purity commercially available and are manufactured to exhibit fast dissolution characteristics and also to be homogeneous and free-flowing in terms of physical characteristics.

Just who uses these stains? Actually a wide range of laboratories. For those in histology using "H & E techniques", or Hematoxylin and Eosin techniques, the SPI-Chem products are quite acceptable. The nuclei come out dark blue and the cytoplasm and nuclei, red. For further information about a specific sample, one might turn to additional stains, and the jargon of those using these materials would call these "special stains."

Items in SPI-Chem Stains for Light Microscopy - Dry Powder