SPI Cellulose Acetate Replicating Sheets 12 x 10 cm 5 mils (125 µm) Thick Pack of 10 Sheets
Appearance: Optically clear colorless transparent sheet
CAS #: 9004-35-7
Water: None
Acetone: Highly soluble
SPI Replicating Sheets are 12 x 10 cm in size and come in two different thicknesses: Thin (0.001"/ 22 µm) and Thick (0.005"/125 µm).
Thick replicating sheets (125 µm)
Used in the replication of surfaces, these cellulose acetate sheets are very easy to use. Simply soften the sheet in acetone and apply to a surface that has been wet with acetone and then when dry, film will generally just strip off. Makes clear replicas of most surface types and is used primarily for TEM replica methods on metals, ceramics and other surfaces that would remain inert in an acetone environment. Use the thick sheets for rough surfaces and for removing (e.g. a cleaning procedure) larger debris particles clinging to the surface. Use the thin sheets for fine, relatively flat surfaces.